- child resists being cuddled
- child avoids touch
- child has difficulty breastfeeding
- child has difficulty with sucking, chewing, or swallowing
- child doesn’t tolerate new foods
- child avoids putting toys in mouth
- child avoids exploring toys with mouth
- child gags or vomits when objects are placed in mouth
- child becomes distressed when changing diapers
- child becomes distressed when having a bath
- child seems unaware of dirty diapers
- child is unaware of people around him
- child cannot tolerate change to routines/ schedules
- child has difficulty getting to sleep
- child is easily agitated and irritable compared to same age children
- child seems unaware of noise
- child takes long to respond to familiar voices
- child startles easily at familiar sounds
- child seems not to be paying attention
- child avoids eye contact
- child avoids looking at toys
- child is overly bothered when exposed to light
- child requires more support for sitting
- child becomes upset when placed on back
- child becomes upset when lifted
- child dislikes head tipped back
- child cries when moved
SPD Checklist information provided by Hopscotch Children’s Therapy Centre