How to Assess Sensory Integration Disorder
In order to detect a sensory integration disorder, one has to make a diagnosis. It is possible for the parents and teachers to identify the symptoms of disorders.
A single symptom is not necessarily the indication for such a diagnosis, but if more symptoms are present, it can be a clear clue and the child should be fully diagnosed in terms of sensory integration disorder.
Symptoms of disorders:
- Muscle tone disorders (frequently too low tone),
- Quick fatigue,
- Motor clumsiness,
- Poor sight and movement coordination,
- Walking on tip-toes,
- Balance disorders,
- Poor feeling of pain or temperature,
- Problems with manipulation, using cutlery or scissors,
- Improper grip on pencils or pens,
- Difficulties with learning how to read or write,
- Difficulties with concentration,
- Avoiding group play,
- Remarkably high or low level of activity,
- Self-harm or aggression,
- Low self-esteem, withdrawal attitude,
- Withdrawal from social contacts,
- Difficulties with hearing the instructions,
- Problems with learning how to ride a bicycle,
- Avoiding playing on the swing and merry-go-round or excessive zeal for such plays,
- Hypersensitivity to light,
- Fascination with lights, fans and water,
- Hypersensitivity to sounds,
- Avoiding physical contact with people and some “textures,” such as sand, paste, finger paints,
- Child may respond strongly to stimuli on their face, hands and feet,
- Difficulties with tasting new dishes,
- Difficulties with putting on new clothes, tags clothes on annoy the child,
- Speech disorders,
- Strong aversion to some caring activities, such as brushing teeth, washing face, combing, cutting nails or hair,
- Child can refuse to wear certain clothes or insist on wearing long sleeves/trouser legs so that the skin would not be exposed to stimuli.