Kornelia Wrobel

Kornelia Wróbel, MSc Pedagogy

Certified Sensory Integration Therapist

Kornelia is originally from Poland and she moved to Ireland in 2005 with her family when she was 8 years old. She is fluent in both Polish and English. Kornelia enjoys working with children. She completed her Honours Bachelor’s degree and Masters in Pedagogy in Early Education and Preschool in Walbrzych, Poland. Kornelia has always had a passion to work with children and strives to learn more about their development.

Kornelia completed her diploma in Sensory Integration in Szczecin and is currently completing her postgrad in Oligophrenic Pedagogy which focuses on working with people with intellectual disabilities. Kornelia has worked with many children from all different ages and needs.

Kornelia worked in Poland for a year and a half in a pre-school with a therapy centre working
alongside many different therapist. She has taken a big interest in sensory integration and has learned more about working children with additional needs and their development. While in Poland Kornelia completed training in the developing movement method which teaches about developing awareness of our own body and the space around us; motor improvement about sharing space with other people; and establishing close contact with them using movement and touch.

Through working with both children and parents over the years Kornelia has gained great
communication skills with both parents and children and is committed to her work.